American Saints and Causes
Promoting awareness of holiness in
the Catholic Church of the United States
Servant of God

Gwen Coniker

Type of Cause
Heroic Virtues
birtH – Death
09/27/1939 - 06/10/2002
Birth Location
Chicago, Illinois
Region of Country
State or territory

"Never give up, never become discouraged or think God does not answer prayers.  We know God is very attentive to all of our needs, wants and desires, but in His time and according to His ways."  

- Servant of God Gwen Coniker

Name of Guild or Sponsoring Organization
Diocese leading cause
Location of Shrine or Burial
Feast day
Email info for cause or shrine
Address for cause or shrine
Apostolate for Family Consecration Catholic Familyland 3375 County Road 36 Bloomingdale, OH 43910-7903
Date Declared
Servant of God
Date positio
Date Declared
1st set of miracles approveD
or Decree of Martyrom
or Offer of Life
2nd set of miracles

          Coming soon!

Prayer for Beatification or Canonization or intercession

          Heavenly Father, Gwen Coniker was a model for family fidelity.  She taught parents and grandparents how to sacrifice everything to fulfill God's will and become persons and families for others.  Thank you for her work in the spirit of Pope John Paul II for the renewal of the Church and society through family consecration.  

          Gwen was a person for others who joyfully lived Your Will by fulfilling the responsibilities of each present moment.  She faithfully and lovingly carried out the duties and commitments of her state in life. She showed us how to be always grateful in the deepest of trials, and how to discern and do God's will moment by moment.  Gwen also showed us how to gracefully die a prolonged and painful death without complaint or self-pity.

          Heavenly Father, we ask you to glorify Gwen.  May the Church raise her to the honor of the altars for the encouragement of "family and parish consecration in the truth" to the Holy Family, and for the protection of our families from the evil one (cf. John 17:15-17).  

          We make our prayer and petition for the work of the Apostolate for Family Consecration and our special requests (mention your intentions) through Christ our Lord.


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