American Saints and Causes
Promoting awareness of holiness in
the Catholic Church of the United States

Interesting Stats

Interesting Stats

          One of the benefits American Saints and Causes can provide the Catholic Church in the United States is insights that only are possible after compiling a comprehensive database of all United States saints and causes. On this page, we capture some observations seen in the data (updated as of 8/20/2024).

          First, the database currently contains the following number of entries:

Status of Cause

Number of Entries

Saints 13
Blesseds 8
Venerables 25
Servants of God 83
Grand Total 129

         Second, we present a breakdown of the saints and causes by the type of cause:

Type of Cause

Number of Entries

Heroic Virtues 95
Martyrdom 26
Offer of Life 8

         Third, we present a breakdown of the saints and causes by “state of life”:

State of Life

Number of Entries

Laity 23
Religious Brother 14
Religious Sister 27
Seminarian 1
Priest 55
Bishop 9

          Are examples of heroic virtue that rare among the laity or is the laity underrepresented because of the lack of institutional structures prone to fund and promote their causes? With the emphasis in Christifideles Laici on the laity’s important and unique vocation, this seems like an area worthy of some attention by the Church.

          Fourth, we present a breakdown of the saints and causes by gender:

Status of Cause



Saints 53.85% 46.15%
Blesseds 12.50% 87.50%
Venerables 44.00% 56.00%
Servants of God 24.10% 75.90%
Overall 30.23% 69.77%

          While there is a pretty even number of men and women among the declared saints, the pipeline of causes is overwhelmingly male.

          Fifth, we present a breakdown of the saints and causes by geography:

State or Territory

Number of Saints and Causes

New York 25
Louisiana 10
Virginia 9
Pennsylvania 6
Wisconsin 6
New Jersey 5
Indiana 5
Illinois 5
Georgia 5
Puerto Rico 4
Pennsylvania 4
Ohio 4
Michigan 4
Missouri 3
Hawaii 3
Florida 3
California 3
Massachusetts 3
Maryland 2
Washington D.C. 2
Texas 1
Tennessee 1
South Dakota 1
Oklahoma 1
North Dakota 1
New Hampshire 1
Nebraska 1
Mississippi 1
Kentucky 1
Kansas 1
Guam 1
Connecticut 1
Colorado 1
Arizona 1

          Quite a few states have at least one saint or a cause open, but a handful of states have most of the saints and causes in our database.

          More analysis of our database is possible. If you are a diocese or cause that is interested in a different view of the data, drop us a note through our Contact Us - General page and we will look into it.

Procession des saints de Bretagne (photographer: Édouard Hue, WikiCommons, Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication).

© American Saints and Causes 2024