American Saints and Causes
Promoting awareness of holiness in
the Catholic Church of the United States

How To Support American Saints and Causes

How To Support American Saints and Causes

         We hope that you appreciate the content on American Saints and Causes and that it is helpful to you and your family in pursuing your own vocation to holiness. Some of you may want to know how you can help support the site. Here are a few suggestions.

  1. Spread the word!  This site is operated from a spirit of gift to the Catholic Church in the United States, hoping to help foster positive Catholic culture. While there will be some outreach at launch, we plan to rely primarily on word of mouth to be introduced to people. If you have found American Saints and Causes helpful, consider sharing that with your small group, parish priest or Catholic school principal. Posts on social media or in parish bulletins can also help introduce us to others. Additionally, we have provided downloadable versions of the Litany For The United States and the Rosary of St. Joseph. Feel free to share those with anyone who might benefit from them.
  2. Pray! The saints are the Church Triumphant, ready to help those of us in the Church Militant, still pursuing holiness and seeking greater perfection in Christ. We can't think of a better way to help American Saints and Causes than through prayer. Pray for the intercession of one of the individuals featured on the site. Help build up positive Catholic culture in the United States by praying the Litany For The United States. Include American Saints and Causes in your prayer intentions!
  3. Give us feedback.  We welcome hearing from you. Tell us what you find most helpful on American Saints and Causes. As we hope to amplify the voices of the individual causes for canonization, if some of the events or activities of the causes were of particular help or interest, let us know that too and we'll relay the feedback to the causes. You can reach us through the Contact Us page.
  4. Sign up for the mailing lists. Sign up for one of our Mailing Lists and receive additional news, information and special offers from American Saints and Causes.
  5. Visit the Shop.  In the Shop page you will find an easy way to purchase books so you can learn more about the holy men and women of the United States that inspire you. Some of those purchases may earn American Saints and Causes an affiliate commission that would help defray our costs.  If we develop other offerings, we will add them to the shop.
  6. Pursue holiness! Nothing would mean more to us at American Saints and Causes than if this site helped deepen your conviction to Christ and readiness to respond to the graces He pours out for you so that you might be made holy by Him and enjoy eternity in Heaven. Cooperate with Jesus and become truly and fully human, in the particular way you were made to be. Maybe one day we will have the privilege and honor of adding you to American Saints and Causes!
Procession des saints de Bretagne (photographer: Édouard Hue, WikiCommons, Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication).

© American Saints and Causes 2024