American Saints and Causes
Promoting awareness of holiness in
the Catholic Church of the United States
Servant of God

Dorothy Day

Type of Cause
Heroic Virtues
birtH – Death
11/08/1897 - 11/29/1980
Birth Location
Brooklyn, New York
Region of Country
State or territory
New York

“Everything a baptized person does every day should be directly or indirectly related to the Works of Mercy.”

- Servant of God Dorothy Day

Name of Guild or Sponsoring Organization
Diocese leading cause
New York
Location of Shrine or Burial
Feast day
Email info for cause or shrine
Address for cause or shrine
Dorothy Day Guild 1011 First Avenue Room 787 New York, NY 10022
Date Declared
Servant of God
Date positio
Date Declared
1st set of miracles approveD
or Decree of Martyrom
or Offer of Life
2nd set of miracles

          Coming soon!

Prayer for Beatification or Canonization or intercession

          God our Creator, Your servant Dorothy Day exemplified the Catholic faith by her conversion, life of prayer and voluntary poverty, works of mercy, and witness to the justice and peace of the Gospel. May her life inspire people to turn to Christ as their savior and guide, to see his face in the world’s poor and to raise their voices for the justice of God’s kingdom.

          We pray that you grant the favors we ask through her intercession so that her goodness and holiness may be more widely recognized and one day the Church may proclaim her Saint.

          We ask this through Christ our Lord.


© American Saints and Causes 2024