American Saints and Causes
Promoting awareness of holiness in
the Catholic Church of the United States
Servant of God

Casimir Michael Cypher

Type of Cause
birtH – Death
01/02/1941 - 06/25/1975
Birth Location
Medford, Wisconsin
Region of Country
State or territory

"There is beauty in life if we only worry about living completely and just being truly what God meant us to be. We miss it when we worry about not being really great, about accomplishing things we cannot accomplish. When we want God to make us greater than we are, we become smaller, because we neglect what we have and what we are already."

- Servant of God Fr. Casimir Michael Cypher

Name of Guild or Sponsoring Organization
Diocese leading cause
Juticalpa, Honduras
Feast day
Email info for cause or shrine
Address for cause or shrine
Conventual Franciscans ‒ St. Bonaventure Province 6107 N. Kenmore Ave Chicago, IL 60660
Date Declared
Servant of God
Date positio
Date Declared
1st set of miracles approveD
or Decree of Martyrom
or Offer of Life
2nd set of miracles

          Coming soon!

Prayer for Beatification or Canonization or intercession

          God of Grace and Mercy, we glorify you. We thank you for our brother, Friar Casmir, who, like Saint Francis of Assisi, loved you so much. He also loved Your People and all of Creation as well.

          If it is Your will, glorify Casmir here on earth, so that many will share his love for the poor, the innocent, the oppressed and the marginalized of our time. May friar Casmir’s Martyrdom fill our hearts with a greater dedication to the Gospel, and a greater and deeper love for the Poor.

          We ask you to attend to our prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, and in the Love of the Holy Spirit.


© American Saints and Causes 2024